What are the specifications and prices of the Highlander car that belongs to the category of used Toyota cars in the UAE 2025?

What are the external specifications of the Highlander car that falls under the category of used Toyota cars in the UAE 2025?

used Toyota cars
used Toyota cars
used Toyota cars
used Toyota cars
used Toyota cars
used Toyota cars
used Toyota cars
used Toyota cars
  • It has modern technological techniques; Which makes dealing with it easy and direct.
  • All the safety systems in it give you comfort and safety during the driving process.
  • It has all the entertainment systems that give you more enjoyment while driving.
  • Its hickey design is durable; Which makes it able to walk in various rugged areas.
  • It combines luxury in shape and design, and practicality in use.
  • This car has no torque to match.
  • Some considered it slow to maneuver; Compared to the powerful engine inside it.
  • Its price may not suit some people.

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